Geomatching people,
products and services

A development cloud platform for creating highly dynamic, proximity-based applications

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Matching people, products and services based on location and content

Create proximity detection from 1m to 5km using mobile phones, pinpoints and beacons

Match moving content

Create smart geofences

Build content-based routing

Use case

On-demand proximity-based services

Match people, products and services by using simple location-based publications and subscriptions. Whether your application is about finding a date, buying a last minute event ticket or ordering a taxi, use Matchmore to match supply and demand based on proximity or location. Thanks to our contextualized pub/sub, we provide a unique solution to match information in real-time between numerous moving objects.

  • Delivery
  • E-commerce
  • Food & Dining
  • Transportation
  • Household services
  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Healthcare
  • Social networking
Use case


Easily deploy indoor and outdoor tracking of people and objects to gather valuable data or monitor moving patterns. From logistics to exhibitions, track in real-time moving pallets in your supply chain or analyze people crowd patterns during events. Matchmore fully integrates IoT devices like beacons and provides a highly scalable technology to support up to millions of moving objects.

  • Logistics
  • Retail
  • Events
  • Festivals
  • Tourism
  • Sports
  • Hiking
  • Games
Use case

Triggering smart notifications

Create a virtual geofence and push smart notifications when users approach a chosen point of interest. The key to satisfied users is to keep them updated on their preferences based on certain criteria. Trigger smart notifications to visitors on festivals when they approach other relevant visitors, food stands or music stages. Matchmore’s contextualized pub/sub helps you to deliver the right information at the most opportune time and location.

  • Festivals
  • Malls
  • Travel
  • Food & Dining
  • IoT

How does it work?

// Creating a Publication
MatchMore.startUsingMainDevice { _ in
    let publication = Publication(topic: "ticketstosale", range: 100, duration: 30, properties: ["event": "Jazzy Festival", "price": "100"])

    MatchMore.createPublication(publication: publication, completion: { _ in
        print("Created Publication")
    "topic": "ticketstosale",
    "properties": {
        "event": "Jazzy Festival",
        "price": "100",
    "range": 100,
    "duration": 300
// Creating a Subscription
MatchMore.startUsingMainDevice { _ in
    let subscription = Subscription(topic: "ticketstosale", range: 100, duration: 300, selector: "event = 'Jazzy Festival''")

    MatchMore.createSubscription(subscription: subscription, completion: { _ in
        print("Created Subscription")
    "topic": "ticketstosale",
    "selector": "event = 'Jazzy Festival'",
    "range": 100,
    "duration": 300




Why matchmore?

Save time
when developing

Thanks to simple yet powerful programming and testing models

Discover the features

Go global
when deploying

Thanks to direct support of all mobile platforms and object types

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Control costs
when growing

Thanks to optimized and scalable execution and cost models

Discover the features

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